Internet of things: From Accessory to Necessity

Techie like us have often heard that internet of things will take over the world and super world will take it breathes when the real and the virtual world will collaborate. We often think that:

How some small device in our hand, smartphone or other gadget tied to our wrist can become the tool for omnipotence and omnipresence in this super world?

Well, the answer is: IOT is involved in every element of human’s life.

The “Internet of things” (IOT) is becoming an increasingly growing topic of conversation both in the workplace and outside of it. It is a concept that not only has the potential to impact how we live but also how we work.

  • What exactly is the “Internet of things”?
  • What impact is it going to have on you?
  • Why is IOT becoming a trend?

Here is your answer:
Broadband Internet is becoming more widely available, the cost of connecting is decreasing, more devices are being created with Wi-Fi capabilities and sensors built into them. Technology costs are going down, and smartphone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a “perfect storm” for the IOT.

How IOT works:

Smart Devices are connected to the common network, such as the internet. Devices are to be able to communicate on the network in an easily understandable language with special and concise interfaces. Currently, connectivity to the IOT consists of a wired or wireless network; they assign an IP address to the devices and provide the necessary bandwidth to communicate. But there must also be agreement between the user and the IOT regarding what data is to be communicated and how it will be understood by other users on the network.
According to this, necessary languages, protocols and other skills are needed to communicate with the IOT. We can see that IOT is involved in our daily basis activities through apps and promoting extreme mobility. Here are some interesting technologies (IOT) Modern world is using that are and will increase the use of Mobile App to operate the physical devices in our daily use:

Smart Lighting:

Lighting is an essential part of all households. Recently Philips Company introduced the smart bulbs. Bulbs are working efficiently and they have mood lighting that can be controlled via your smartphones. Even some companies are trying to put ecology and economy of lighting together. These revolutionary ideas will change the mindset of people regarding light. Who know what wonders does a small bulb can do with IOT in future.

Security and Mobility:

One of the major concerns for organizations like banks is the “Security”.
Why businessmen always deposit their money in the banks?
Why does a common man want to deposit his small amount of money in the bank?

Answer is:
Banks provides “Security”, people easily trust on banks. People deposit their money in banks and banks maintain their banking system via different ways. They provide different services like universal pin codes, biometrics, sensors and more artificial intelligence to increase the trust of their account holders.

All these services depend on the IOT and now banks are trying to facilitate their account holders via online banking, users will interact with banks through mobiles and use facilities in a friendly way without any interrupt. Banks will hand over all the activities of your accounts in a secure way to you in future with the help of IOT.


Our cars are more efficient than us; they automatically know their need of fuel, service, and upgrading itself on time. With the IOT we can now power on/off the car, Lock/unlock, Turn the Ac on/off and secure the car through a mobile app. IOT finds its way in automotive industry too. Soon your cars will be reminding you that it needs maintenance and fuel oil etc.
Uber application is the top mobile application for android and IOS in the recent times. There are many clone applications working on the model of Uber mobile app which is the successful business model using a mobile app for transportation. People require more convenience and having no time to step outside of the home. With the time people will get more aware of these applications for transport purpose.


Wireless charging is not a new concept because new technologies have been competing to provide the best solutions ever. Before wireless charging, many other wireless devices which are connected with the USB Ports get power and work smartly. It is same as a “Handshake”, energy is transferred from one hand to another. Together mobility and IOT are making a futuristic world of reality.

Health and Exercise:

As an expert, we have observed that Fitness and Health the world relies on the many sensing devices, wearable and related apps. IOT is invading everything. Many sensors from Mobile & smart watches are used via Apps to collect the personalized data about health and fitness activities. You can track pulse rate, heart rate and calories burned with sensors on wearable. You can maintain diet plan, share it with friends, exchange feedbacks and much more with the IOT.

Eco System:

We can now monitor pollution by a device using IOT technology and take preventions against it. Let’s take an example of AirBot. It’s a device that monitors airborne pollutants that can cause breathing problems like asthma. This IOT technology helps us find the respiratory problems causing pollutants.
Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices to almost anything else you can think of.

“The IoT is big news because it ups the ante: ‘Reach out and touch somebody’ is becoming ‘reach out and touch everything’.” — Parker Trewin, Senior Director of Content and Communications

15 New Features of iOS10 You Should Be Excited About.

I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next.

Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple Inc.) once said this. I believe that the Apple employees are very well working on what CEO purposed for the bright future of the company. Apple released a new version iOS10 with a wide variety of its new features.

In iOS10, developers have more power to provide the useful information. They can now tell:

  • The benefits of your application
  • How to use your application
  • It helps the system to promote your application in
    1. Lock Screen
    2. Siri Interaction
    3. Quick suggestions in keyboard
    4. Car Play
    5. Map kit
    6. Application Switcher

All the location information is now saved in “MapItem”. It is the object of “NSUserActivity” which saves the location information which can be used in the application according to the requirements.

One of the amazing feature of IOS 10 is that it helps a user to view album art and play media through the application with the locked screen using “MPPlayableContentManager” API’s.

This is not the end yet. Its other awesome features are:

  1. Sirikit

    Now you can introduce your application to the Siri and by using Sirikit you can make your personal app services available to Siri. Siri supports the following domain:

    • Messaging
    • Calling (Audio/Video)
    • Vehicle enables or disable
    • Book restaurant which requires more services of apple.
    • Booking a ride
    • You can also search app photo through Siri.

    When a user requests the Siri for something the Siri sends an intent object to your app, now once you have the intent object you can use it to perform the specific response object. The response objects know how to react to the intent object that is sent by Siri into your application. Ride booking is also available in maps and Siri, you can also do reservation through maps.

  2. User Notification:

    IOS 10 introduce new notification framework UserNotification.framework which handles the delivery of the local and remote notification. It also let you customise the presence of notification on the user side.

  3. Recognizing the Speech:

    IOS 10 also introduce the new API’s that helps you to recognize the speech and convert it into text. You can do it by using the Speech.framework.

  4. Color:

    IOS 10 now have color extensions RGB extended in UIcolor. You don’t need to give the value between 0.00 to 1.00 Yay!

  5. Enhancements in App Search:

    There are several search enhancements in IOS 10 including in-app searching, validation result visualisation and deep link popularity with separated privacies. A new CSSearchQuery class is added in order to support in- app search.

  6. Enhancements in Widgets:

    In iOS 10, Apple introduced the new look screen design to modify your widget developer “widgetPrimaryVibrancyEffect” or “widgetSecondaryVibrancyEffect”. In addition to that now you can access to allow the user to view some contact or choose a concept or expands views by using “NCWidgetDisplayMode”.

  7. More Enhancements in Apple Pay:

    Apple is improving it Apple Pay service day by day for both developer and user. Now apple added some new API’s that is used for support dynamic payment networks, both IOS and WatchOS and a new Sandbox testing environment.
    Sometimes developer needs to use apple pay where UIKit is not available. Now new API’s are added in PassKit framework for that purpose of using apple pay where UIKit is not available.

  8. Some Enhancement in Security and privacy:

    Apple always provides the quality security and privacy to their users. In IOS 10 several classes are added to provide more security and privacy to the user. Like “NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent”, “UIPasteboard” &”SecKey”

  9. CallKit:

    Great news for the developers!
    Now you can use IPhone UI for your VoIP app using CallKit framework. Yes! CallKit is the new framework in IOS 10 which allows receiving incoming VoIP call on the lock screen. You can also have access to the block contact, identification of the caller and more.

  10. Subscriber Account for The Video:

    The new feature using video subscriber account framework “VideoSubscriberAccount.framework” for the apps to support an authorised idea and video on demands is amazing.

  11. More App Extensions Added:

    IOS 10 have added call directory intentsUI, messages, notification services and content and sticker.

  12. Enhanced HomeKit:

    In IOS 10,”HomeKit.framework” can now give a new support to a camera, doorbell accessories etc. Apple have added many new API’s that provide you with the more support of display live streaming, speakers, microphone, camera settings, access new services, character and much more.

  13. ScreenKit:

    Apple in IOS 10 can do enhancements in “screenkit.framework”. A new PBR (Physically Based Rendering) system that allows you to have more grip on 3D graphics research

  14. Enhancements in UIKit:

    In IOS 10 “UIKit.framewok” have some enhancements that allow you to have more control of your animations. The new “UIPreViewInteraction” class and its delegate a great addition, “UIAccessibilityCustomRotor” that provides the context- specific and custom functionality such as VoiceOver is expose to the users and “UIPreviewInteraction” is added which is use to provide custom user interface related peek and pop expenses.
    In Addition to that, “UIPasteboard” is also introduced with the new options. Apple also did some enhancement in “UICollectionView” by adding a new “UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching” protocol that is used for the prefetching of cell automatically to enhance the scrolling expense.

  15. Improvements in WebKit:

    Apple In IOS 10 comes up with the improved peek and pop mode in “WebKit.framework”, the “webView:shouldPreviewElement:” to display the specific web view in the preview.

    For more information, please visit Apple