One way or another, we are all sellers. Whether you talk about pre manufactured products, customized artifacts, or services. We do that daily, in and out. Selling is pre-historic, human have been in this act since their dawn. Now, if you see the ground level, things have not changed much, except that we have evolved around our ways of business.

“An honest design communicates solely the functions and values it offers. It does not attempt to manipulate buyers and users with promises it cannot keep.” – Dieter Rams

The compelling question now is; what does actually sells and what does not?

We can see a lot of products coming up in the market. Since I am an Information Technology attaché, my arguments will rest with the applications and websites. You must have seen several of these been commenced recently. Most of these are ecommerce related selling domains. Clothing line, food, electronics, and gadgets, whoever had a good business going on has risen themselves on the cloud. On the application side, the scene is much more vibrant such as games, social media apps, plugins and lots of fun stuff. It is a creating a good amount of opportunities for small and medium size business owners. You must have heard a few!

On the internet, what matters most is the design you sell. It’s the very essence that attracts the customers. But most interestingly, most of us are unaware of this fact. We simply believe in getting our products and then determine on selling them on the cloud, without realizing that it is the force of the design of the site, and the application that sells it.
So what is a good design? Let’s simplify this for you, so you can see what we do for you to make you shine better;

Only well-executed objects can be beautiful. The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products used every day have an effect on people and their well-being.” – Dieter Rams

It’s not only the looks, but a good design is also about the astonishment, conversion, the fulfillment of the purpose, alongside the product being able to deliver the results – getting the job done that is!

It’s an Innovation:

Good designs represents innovation in terms of a new born product, which is innovated from the scratch and serves values to the customers, or it is innovated from an existing product, and beside providing the value part, it serves the existing product with new looks, feels and market ground.

It’s Functionally Viable:

The design of a tea kettle, is to hold the tea, keep it warm, and then able its user to fill their cup of teas without any hesitations and ease. If the kettle is unable to perform these functions, then it is not viable to be even called a tea kettle. Same goes for products. The product design should support the intended functions of the product. An ecommerce site should viably display and perform what ecommerce sites do.

It is Usable:

Even if the intended design shows with its function titles, help documents, menus, and banners that this product perform these functions, if the functions does not provide a simpler approach to execution, the design is eventually a flop. If a user has to read a four page manual just to understand how to fill a cart, or create a login or view history – the design is not usable in practical form.

It is Artistic:

You cannot just design a product which supports good functionality with proper serving to its purpose. You need to have a product with good visual impact on its user. Why people stand in front of a piece of art for hours? The only reason is that the human senses are evolved around to appreciate art. If the product does not provide a good aesthetic sense, it will simply dive down the interest curve for the user and will do it fast.

You need to have a product with good visual impact on its user. Why people stand in front of a piece of art for hours? The only reason is that the human senses are evolved around to appreciate art. If the product does not provide a good aesthetic sense, it will simply dive down the interest curve for the user and will do it fast.

It is Spontaneous:

Do you need a manual to operate Facebook or LinkedIn? No you don’t! But have you ever given a thought why? The reason is the ability of that product to be intuitive enough to make their users operate it based on their common sense and worldly scenarios.

The greatest selling point for the applications today is the intuition with which the products are building, not the complexities they address.

It Talks Back:

The biggest frustrations users feel, is when they press a link on a website, and nothing happens. Often times the developers and testers tend to miss out the simplest of responses from the system, which are actually really important for users.

The systems which keep the user in the front row are built on the designs of user’s own psychology. If it is not responsive to its users and their actions, it will only create ambiguities and will over shadow the functions it should perform.

“A good Design is always the simplest possible working solution!”

We need to put our efforts as little as possible on increasing the complexities, and as much as possible on the way the system behaves towards the user’s action. The design of the system, applications, and websites depends on this factor.

Today we use hundreds of simplest of objects providing solutions to our daily life activities. Such as holding a bunch of paper with a clip, the shape of a computer mouse, the color of the screens, the size and weight of the mobile devices, and the creative looks of the websites. All in all everything attracts or deflects the customers.

The creator such as ourselves believe in failing, but we also believe in learning from these fails, and then improve ourselves to new horizons, with more orientation of our designs for our customers.